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​김성열 목사

예배 / 찬양

크리스챤 가정에서 자라 어릴 때 아버지로 부터 침례 받은 목회자 입니다. 신앙의 여정에 굴곡이 있었지만, 청년부 시절 담당 목회자로부터 신앙의 교육을 받아, 주님께 삶을 헌신하기로 결단하였습니다. 2021년에 결혼하여 2022년 목사 안수를 받았으며, 현재 게이트웨이 신학교에서 학업 가운데 있습니다.

Born and raised in Christian family. He confessed his faith and was baptized by his father in his childhood. Although his faith journey wasn't easy, he was fed with the word of God by his pastor when he was in a college student, and he dedicated himself to the Lord Jesus Christ afterward. He got married in 2021 and was ordained in 2022. He currently studies at Gateway Seminary.

Master of Divinity, Berkeley School of Theology.
Master of Community Leadership, Berkeley School of Theology.

Doctor of Ministry, Gateway Seminary (in progress).

*Berkeley School of Theology is a former American Baptist Seminary of the West.

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